...i really dont. And that's what bugs me! Nothing at all! It's like life's run dry of even the slight stream of anything resembling interesting. Somehow i never expected that to happen. Not even with the exams that are on. Now all i can think of is random junk like:
Three rabbits can never make two ducks. Never trust anyone who says otherwise. They're elves in disguise.
or : Every third Dragonfly is the son of a 5th generation Realm-Lord's 7th incarnation. It's no wonder then, that they faulter in flight. The hunter is ever present.
or this : Griffins aren't inherently evil, they're just jealous of elaborate balding.
That's all i can say... Nothing else. At all.Oh there's a lot more if you're interested, chack out my blog : www.landofsmirk.blogspot.com . It's not all that interesting. But check it out anyway! Anyway, seeing as i have nothing to say, I'm gonna leave now! C ya!